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Spanish Infantry Pistol
Giroud Duel Pistol
Thom Bellamy, Short Arquebus Approach
Venesia, The Noblest Gun
Thom Bellamy, Short Arquebus Approach - Golden
Lady Winter, the Gun of the Lady
Recia, the Weapon of the Empire
Artegnan Pistol - Steel
Joseph Kinner 1807 - Ivory
Artegnan Pistol - Ivory
Joseph Kinner 1807 - Steel
Joseph Kinner 1807 - Brass
Thunder gun - Steel
Thunder gun - Brass
Thunder gun - Ivory
Dice Bag - Witcher
Marketta Surcoat - Blue
Brawley Studded Bracelets - Black
Jules Brigandine - Brown
Karanthir Tunic Suede - Green
Carcassone Pouch - Brown
Lone Wolf Hakoon Bag - Black
Akku splitleather hood - Black
Briannan Ranger Tunic - Black
Monk Habit - Franciscan